Pico Piedras Blancas [4737]

Parque Nacional Sierra de La Culata. Mérida - Venezuela. Gustavo Izaguirre 2009


Back to life.

When I started with this blog I had a lot of free time because I wasn’t working and I had already ended the career at the University. In addition I was motivated because I had finished an English course as a listener at the Language Department of my University and I got the grade I wanted! Then I started to look for a job in a more serious way and I started to put this blog in a second plane. Some days after I started to work and I hadn’t more time to pay attention to this space until now.

I would like to improve my English including my writing of course, so I’ll bring the blog back to life! I selected a subject to focus on and a lot of the information I’ll publish here will be addressed to it: New York City. I think I don’t have a particular reason for this topic, but considering the CVA has a huge library and it is located near my place where I can find a lot of information related to this topic, it is possible to find a lot of information of it on the internet, is a worldwide known city and I think you can talk about it with a lot of people, etc., I think it will be a good topic to use in order to find the motivation to ameliorate my English the way I want.

I will try to do some writings and publish them here with pictures and a lot of stuff. In the future, if I have the opportunity to go to NYC I hope to be a tourist with a wider vision of the city and take advantage of this knowledge entirely.  


PS: I can see the Blogger platform has changed a lot! I have to adapt to this new one and try to have all the services supported by Google (Picasa, Youtube and Google+) linked to the same e-mail address.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I have to put some order in all the blog! What a mess! And now, with so many templates it's difficult to change something, and if I do, I have to pay attention on how the Blog is going to be seen for other people... I have job to do!
